[x]Blackmoor Vituperative

Monday, 2024-02-19

Happy Epicurus’ Birthday!

Filed under: Fine Living,Philosophy — bblackmoor @ 00:01
Bust of Epicurus

I celebrate Epicurus’ Birthday on the third Monday of February, in honor of the philosopher Epicurus, the ancient Greek philosopher and the founder of the school of philosophy called Epicureanism. His school was the first of the ancient Greek philosophical schools to admit women as a rule rather than an exception.

For Epicurus, the purpose of philosophy was to attain the happy, tranquil life, characterized by ataraxia — “peace and freedom from fear” — and aponia — “the absence of pain” — and by living a self-sufficient life surrounded by friends. He taught that pleasure and pain are the measures of what is good and evil; death is the end of both body and soul and should therefore not be feared; the gods do not reward or punish humans; the universe is infinite and eternal; and events in the world are ultimately based on the motions and interactions of atoms moving in empty space.

(From Epicurus, Wikipedia)

Saturday, 2024-01-20

Color scheme for Minimal Theme for Obsidian

Filed under: Programming,Software,Writing — bblackmoor @ 13:11

I have created a color scheme for Minimal Theme for Obsidian. I mainly use Obsidian on my Boox Tab Ultra tablet, which is an e-ink device. My intention is to create a very high contrast theme that is easily legible on an e-ink device like the Boox, while also being attractive enough for desktop or color tablet use.

The theme is nowhere near as colorful as most themes. If you like everything to be a different color, this theme is probably not your cup of tea.

This is written as a CSS snippet, but my hope is that the author of Minimal will eventually allow this theme to be added to the core Minimal color schemes. Obsidian really needs a clear, readable color scheme for e-ink devices. That’s what I want, in any case.

I have posted the CSS file to my github page. If pasted into the theme.css file in Minimal (between gruvbox and macos), the code looks like this…

.theme-light.minimal-kalos-greyscale-light{--color-red-rgb:145,28,28;--color-orange-rgb:145,28,28;--color-yellow-rgb:145,28,28;--color-green-rgb:21,83,83;--color-cyan-rgb:21,83,83;--color-blue-rgb:21,83,83;--color-purple-rgb:126,32,126;--color-pink-rgb:126,32,126;--color-red:#911c1c;--color-orange:#911c1c;--color-yellow:#911c1c;--color-green:#155353;--color-cyan:#155353;--color-blue:#155353;--color-purple:#7e207e;--color-pink:#7e207e}.theme-dark.minimal-kalos-greyscale-dark{--color-red-rgb:253,245,245;--color-orange-rgb:253,245,245;--color-yellow-rgb:253,245,245;--color-green-rgb:235,250,250;--color-cyan-rgb:235,250,250;--color-blue-rgb:235,250,250;--color-purple-rgb:252,245,252;--color-pink-rgb:252,245,252;--color-red:#fdf5f5;--color-orange:#fdf5f5;--color-yellow:#fdf5f5;--color-green:#ebfafa;--color-cyan:#ebfafa;--color-blue:#ebfafa;--color-purple:#fcf5fc;--color-pink:#fcf5fc}.theme-light.minimal-kalos-greyscale-light{--base-h:0;--base-s:0;--base-l:100%;--accent-h:240;--accent-s:60%;--accent-l:10%;--bg1:#fbfbfe;--bg2:#f8f8fd;--bg3:rgba(255,255,255,.5);--ui1:#0a0a29;--ui2:#18185f;--ui3:#000;--tx1:#000;--tx2:#222;--tx3:#3d3d3d;--hl1:rgba(105,105,217,.5);--hl2:rgba(169,169,233,.5)}.theme-dark.minimal-kalos-greyscale-dark,.theme-light.minimal-kalos-greyscale-light.minimal-light-contrast .mod-left-split,.theme-light.minimal-kalos-greyscale-light.minimal-light-contrast .titlebar,.theme-light.minimal-kalos-greyscale-light.minimal-light-contrast .workspace-drawer.mod-left,.theme-light.minimal-kalos-greyscale-light.minimal-light-contrast .workspace-ribbon.mod-left:not(.is-collapsed),.theme-light.minimal-kalos-greyscale-light.minimal-light-contrast.minimal-status-off .status-bar{--base-h:0;--base-s:0;--base-l:0;--accent-h:240;--accent-s:100%;--accent-l:100%;--bg1:#050514;--bg2:#0a0a29;--bg3:rgba(0,0,0,.5);--ui1:#fbfbfe;--ui2:#18185f;--ui3:#fff;--tx1:#fff;--tx2:#fdfdfd;--tx3:#fafafa;--hl1:rgba(105,105,217,.5);--hl2:rgba(169,169,233,.5)}.theme-dark.minimal-kalos-greyscale-dark.minimal-dark-black{--ui1:#000}

Tuesday, 2024-01-02

Hammer Of Grammar

Filed under: Gaming,Humour — bblackmoor @ 20:39

In 2007, Meghan O’Hara created ten web comics devoted to the online game World of Warcraft. That web site disappeared before the end of the year, and I thought it was lost forever.

Some remain lost, including “Munter Aggro” and “Eloquence”, but some have been found. Here for your enjoyment is what I have been able to find of Meghan O’Hara’s Hammer of Grammar

(These are thumbnails. They are links. Click them.)

Sunday, 2023-11-19

Ride or die

Filed under: Philosophy,Writing — bblackmoor @ 17:04

If there’s not a blog called “Write Or Die”, there should be.

Monday, 2023-02-20

Happy Epicurus’ Birthday!

Filed under: Fine Living,Philosophy — bblackmoor @ 00:01
Bust of Epicurus

I celebrate Epicurus’ Birthday on the third Monday of February, in honor of the philosopher Epicurus, the ancient Greek philosopher and the founder of the school of philosophy called Epicureanism. His school was the first of the ancient Greek philosophical schools to admit women as a rule rather than an exception.

For Epicurus, the purpose of philosophy was to attain the happy, tranquil life, characterized by ataraxia — “peace and freedom from fear” — and aponia — “the absence of pain” — and by living a self-sufficient life surrounded by friends. He taught that pleasure and pain are the measures of what is good and evil; death is the end of both body and soul and should therefore not be feared; the gods do not reward or punish humans; the universe is infinite and eternal; and events in the world are ultimately based on the motions and interactions of atoms moving in empty space.

(From Epicurus, Wikipedia)

Monday, 2023-02-06

Blue skies

Filed under: Ecology,Society,Technology — bblackmoor @ 10:05

This is not the future I expected.

The air is cleaner and the sea level isn’t as high as some science fiction authors predicted. Other than that, the real world has gotten much worse much faster than this science fiction obsessed kid ever expected. Rivers drying up, corporations owning lifetime copyright on our cultural heritage, nonstop wars, a major political party turning into a death cult, more wealth in fewer hands than ever before, and the looming threat of AI making most of us useless and disposable to the corporations that actually own this world.

And the sea level is still rising.

But the air really is cleaner than it was when I was a kid. That’s pretty nice.

Monday, 2023-01-23

Efficiently Dockerize platform-agnostic apps with Node.js

Filed under: Cloud Computing,Programming — bblackmoor @ 15:52

This is pretty interesting. It had not occurred to me to use node.js to automate containerization. Neat stuff.

Personally, I am more interested in Golang and Rust, but this is a good thing to have in one’s toolbox.


Wednesday, 2023-01-18

The struggle against profitable complexity

Filed under: Cloud Computing,Philosophy,Programming,Technology,The Internet,Work — bblackmoor @ 09:27

“The struggle between profitless simplicity and profitable complexity is eternal in the world of software.”

I started my career in programming during heydays of Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE). This was late 90s/early 00s, and there was a rich ecosystem of enterprise vendors hawking application servers, monitoring tools, and boxes upon boxes of other fancy solutions. These tools were difficult to learn, expensive to license, and required an a…

David Heinemeier Hansson, Creator of Ruby on Rails

Interesting article about containers, cloud, etc., by the fellow who created Ruby On Rails.

Thursday, 2022-09-08

Bulk Crap Uninstaller

Filed under: Software,Windows — bblackmoor @ 14:03

If you are a Windows user looking for a replacement or alternative for Iobit Uninstaller (which has become little more than a vector for trojans), give Bulk Crap Uninstaller a try.


Wednesday, 2022-08-31

Zomchi “safety razor” first impressions

Filed under: Fine Living — bblackmoor @ 21:29

I bought myself a rainbow metallic Zomchi “safety razor”. I have never owned or used a safety razor before, and I was pretty afraid to start. Still, generations used these, so how hard could it be?

It was much easier than I feared. I held it at a thirty degree angle (or as close as I could), pressed lightly but consistently (as much as I could), and shaved. It took a few passes to get my face smooth, and some areas still seem a bit stubbly, but I think I did pretty well on my first try.

The razor is even prettier than the image in the listing. It is made of three pieces, which have excellent “fit and finish”, as the kids say. Assembly and replacing the blade was pretty straightforward. I think I would have to be pretty careless to cut myself while changing the blade, but I was attentive and careful, even so.

I am pleased with this. It wasn’t expensive, and it’s a solid little razor that feels good to use.

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